Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Blog Post #12

The blog post assignment that I would choose for EDM310 would be to go on and explore all the educational resources and ideas that are being shared, comment on someone's post and share what you chose, why you chose it, and how it could help you in your own classroom.

Through pinterest, I stumbled upon a teacher's blog that has many great tools that I would like to use for my classroom. Please go check it out! This is just one of the many blogs that I found while on pinterest.


  1. Which post did you comment on? Sounds kind of like C4T, but pinterest is very cool!

  2. Carrie,
    I love pinterest! This was such a creative way to incorporate something a lot of people love to do and use it for educational purposes. Something I might would add is that it is helpful also for crafts! You can find a lot of things to do with elementary aged students! Keep up the good work!
